Admin & Instructor Resources

 Using Simple Syllabus

  • Customize and Publish: Tailor and release your course syllabi via Canvas or the Simple Syllabus dashboard.
  • Maintain Autonomy: Allow program leaders and administrators to manage institutional standards across all syllabi using the tiered syllabus template.
  • Effortless Duplication: Easily copy content across course sections or semesters.
  • Track Engagement: Monitor if students have read the syllabus.
people writing and sitting by a table

Getting Started:

    • Log In: Access Simple Syllabus with your FIU credentials.
    • Select: Choose the syllabus you want to edit.
    • Customize: Add course-specific content.
    • Publish: Release each section individually.
    • Import: Bring in syllabi across cross-listed sections.


Instructor FAQs

Why did FIU implement Simple Syllabus?

According to the State of Florida Textbook and Instructional Materials Affordability and Transparency Statute (1004.085) and Florida Board of Governors Regulation 8.003, the syllabi for all UCC courses must be publicly available. Simple Syllabus is a repository for UCC course syllabi to ensure compliance with the law. It also allows students to easily search for UCC course syllabi and enroll in courses that best meet their individual needs. 

Starting Fall 2025, FIU will require the usage of Simple Syllabus to publish syllabi for all university courses in which students receive academic credit as well as for non-credit courses required for a degree or academic certificate. This includes Pass/Fail/In-progress courses such as Dissertations, Internships, Independent Study, etc. The university initiated the use of Simple Syllabus in Summer 2023 to comply with the state-mandated UCC syllabus posting requirement and this initiative will ensure that students have a single location to explore potential courses and course requirements.

Do I have to use FIU Simple Syllabus for my UCC course syllabus or may I use the Canvas Syllabus tool or Creator Pro as I have done in past semesters?  

All University Core Curriculum (UCC) course syllabi must use Simple Syllabus and be published at least 45 days before the start of the semester. Starting Fall 2025, Syllabi for non-UCC courses must be published using Simple Syllabus.  

How do I access and edit my syllabus in FIU Simple Syllabus? 

You can access your syllabus directly within Canvas or from the FIU Simple Syllabus Dashboard.

Within Canvas:

Select Simple Syllabus from the Course Tools menu on the left in your Canvas course. This will open the Simple Syllabus tool for you to edit your course syllabus.

  1. If you do not see Simple Syllabus on the Course Tools menu:
    1. Select the Settings link at the bottom of the left-hand menu.
    2. Select the Navigation tab at the top of the page.
    3. You will see a list of the tools currently enabled in your Canvas course. Scroll down to find the list of tools that are not yet enabled.         Locate Simple Syllabus and click on the three vertical dots to enable.
    4. Once you have enabled Simple Syllabus, continue to scroll to the bottom of the list and click Save. For more information, please see      How do I manage Course Navigation links?

FIU Simple Syllabus site:

    1. Visit
    2. Login with your FIU username and password.
    3. Select the edit icon on your course’s syllabus to begin editing. 

What is the posting deadline for a course syllabus?

All University Core Curriculum (UCC) courses are required by Florida law to be publicly available at least 45 days prior to the first day of the semester. Find UCC course syllabus posting deadlines via the FIU Academic Calendar.

All non-UCC course syllabi must be posted in accordance with FIU’s syllabi policy.

Where can I view the State of Florida requirements on Textbook and Instructional Materials Affordability and Transparency?

Please see the following:

Which syllabus components are required by Florida Statue for UCC courses?

Florida Board of Governors Regulation 8.003, which is associated with Section 1004.085, Florida Statutes, requires the following components to be part of a University Core Curriculum (UCC) syllabus:

Syllabus Element Required by Legislation Details
  Course Curriculum Course Description (what students will learn in the course and
the general skills/knowledge the students will leave with upon
successful completion of the course)
  Course Goals and Learning Objectives Goals, Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives (note: these
frequently show up as bullets in the syllabus)
  Expectations of the Course Assignments, Assessments, and general expectations that would
impact student enrollment/grade (see below for more details)
  How student performance will be measured
Any performance measures/assignments that will be considered
as part of the final grade, grade distribution/standard for
calculating the final grade.

May I upload my syllabus in MS Word, PDF etc. format to FIU Simple Syllabus?

No, however, you can copy and paste your syllabus content into Simple Syllabus.  You then have the option to update the formatting to match your need.

Once you create and publish your course syllabus using Simple Syllabus, the content will automatically be imported into the Simple Syllabus template for your course in subsequent semesters. Additionally, it’s easy to import content that you use for multiple courses, e.g. Make-up Policy, into other courses or cross-listed sections.

In the FIU Simple Syllabus template, what components are pre-populated and cannot be edited or removed by the instructor?

The following components will be automatically populated in Simple Syllabus and cannot be edited or removed.

    • Course Information – Imported from PantherSoft
    • Course Prerequisites – Imported from PantherSoft
    • Textbook and Course Materials for Purchase- Imported from AIP
    • Canvas Schedule- Imported from your Canvas course. The Canvas Schedule is the list of deadlines for assignments/assessments in Canvas created by faculty and should be updated in Canvas. It does not provide links to the actual assignment.

In the FIU Simple Syllabus UCC template, what pre-populated components can the instructor edit or remove?

While editing your syllabus, there are many components that are automatically populated. It is important that you review the content and make edits to any section as needed. UCC Requirements will be highlighted within the syllabus shell and should be updated before it is published.


Professor Information (imported from PantherSoft, may be edited and additional instructors may be added)
Course Description and Purpose
Course Goals
Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives
Expectations of the Course


Other Course Materials and Open Educational Resources (OER)
Course Communication
Discussion Forums
Zoom Video Conference
Proctored Exams
Academic Misconduct
Accessibility and Accommodation
Panthers Care & Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Technical Requirements and Skills
Course Awards 

    I am new to FIU Simple Syllabus. How simple is it?

    In Simple Syllabus, syllabi component headings are pre-populated with a text box to enter content. Instructors simply copy & paste the content from their syllabus into the text boxes. Also, Simple Syllabus enables instructors to add additional component headings to meet their individual course needs. 

    Where can I find a step-by-step guide, webinars, and other training resources to become familiar with FIU Simple Syllabus?

    The Simple Syllabus Knowledge Base is an excellent starting point, and you may access it by clicking on the question mark icon in the bottom left corner of your syllabus template. FIU-specific training offerings, open labs etc. are also offered regularly and are posted in the instructor section of the FIU Syllabi website.


    Can the instructor add new components to the FIU Simple Syllabus template?

    Yes, and there are no space limitations for adding additional syllabus sections and components. You can add content to meet your individual course needs.   

    How do I add another instructor or TA to the Simple Syllabus?

    The information for the primary and secondary instructors listed on the course is imported from PantherSoft. However, by selecting the pencil icon within the instructor component, you can edit the professor information section, and add additional course instructors and learning assistants.  You may want to list the additional instructor(s) along with their roles.

    How to import an existing syllabus into another course?

    Once you create your first Syllabus in Simple Syllabus, you can import that syllabus to the other sections. Once imported, you can make the appropriate edits for that course and publish.

    How to import an existing syllabus into another course:

      1. Complete and publish the first syllabus.
      2. Go to
      3. Login in with your FIU username and password
      4. You will be able to see all of your courses for the upcoming semester. Select the section that you would like to import the existing syllabus into.
      5. Use the pencil icon next to your course name to open the editing of that section’s syllabus.
      6. Near the top of the new window you will see “Replace with a different syllabus”. You will see the courses for which you have a published syllabus.
      7. Select the course from which you wish to import.
      8. Edit as needed.
      9. Publish the syllabus.

    What if I have a cross-listed course?

    Simple Syllabus creates a unique syllabus shell for each section automatically. However, because of the multiple ways in which a course might be cross-listed , there is no option to combine course sections. Therefore, faculty will need to create a syllabus for one section and then import that syllabus to the other sections, and then publish the copied syllabus in each of the cross-listed sections.

    How to import an existing syllabus into another course section that was course copied:

      1. Complete and publish the first syllabus.
      2. Go to
      3. Login in with your FIU username and password
      4. You will be able to see all of your courses for the upcoming semester. Select the section that you would like to import the existing syllabus into.
      5. Use the pencil icon next to your course name to open the editing of that section’s syllabus.
      6. Near the top of the new window you will see “Replace with a different syllabus”. You will see the courses for which you have a published syllabus.
      7. Select the course from which you wish to import.
      8. Edit as needed.
      9. Publish the syllabus.

    How do I ensure that my new syllabus is accessible?

    Simple Syllabus has a built-in accessibility checker for each syllabus, which highlights accessibility issues and guides you through the fixes.

    I need help using Simple Syllabus. Where can I get it?

    There are several ways to get help.

    • For additional help, access the Simple Syllabus Technical Support Center

        • Within the Simple Syllabus tool, click the Question Mark icon on the bottom left of the syllabus you are working on.This will open the Simple Syllabus Knowledge Base. Here, you will find answers to commonly asked questions.
        • You also may leave a note for the dedicated support team to contact you. Support is available Monday- Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 
        • In addition, you may contact Simple Syllabus via phone number call (813) 279-5443 ext. 2 for support


    I see an error in the default template language, logic, or technical issue. Who can I contact to make the correction?

    For questions about the project, requirements, or any issues please contact